
Tweed palliative volunteer champion Meredith Dennis awarded Shire Citizen of the Year

  • by Maria Lopez
  • January 30, 2019

Meredith Dennis, President of Tweed Palliative Support Inc, was awarded the 2019 Tweed Shire Citizen of the Year by the Tweed Shire Council at a ceremony on Australia Day.

“Meredith has been a palliative care innovator for nearly two decades. Trained as a nurse, and volunteering at the Wedgetail Retreat community hospice since 1998, Meredith oversees the operation of volunteer palliative care training, home-hospice support services, the community hospice, educational courses, Sunshine ‘Pamper’ Days, the loan of medical equipment to clients and the Tweed Palliative Support Hospice Op shops. Meredith also takes care of many rescue dogs and horses at her Limpinwood property.”

Under Meredith’s influence Tweed Palliative Support established the adult community hospice Wedgetail Retreat in Dulguigan to support local people in respite and at end of life. In September last year Tweed Palliative Support celebrated 20 years of service, and in 2015 the won Best Community or Social Service and the Best Business in Tweed, at the annual Tweed Shire Business Excellence Awards (BEATS).

Meredith was a contributor to our recently published Towards a framework for community hospice in NSW (Part 3): Operating and managing community hospices in Australia. Click here for more information and to download our report.

Congratulations Meredith for a well earned recognition of your work in supporting people at end of life and their families.

For more details read the story in the Echonetdaily.

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