Training your Volunteers

Our suite of training resources

Our aim is to equip you with the resources you need to manage and train your volunteer team. Currently we have three publications to assist with training your volunteers. Used in companion they form a comprehensive palliative care volunteer training package.

Palliare: A Handbook for Palliative Care Volunteers in NSW (2nd edition)

This handbook offers foundational knowledge and practical guidance for people volunteering in palliative settings. A copy of the Palliare Handbook is often given to volunteers at the start of their induction training. It contains:

Chapter 1: Introduction to Palliative Care
Chapter 2: Public Health Palliative Care
Chapter 3: The Volunteer’s Role
Chapter 4: Boundaries and Self-care
Chapter 5: Communication Skills
Chapter 6: Suffering, Total Pain and Spirituality
Chapter 7: Cultural Diversity and Families in Palliative Care
Chapter 8: Grief and Bereavement
Chapter 9: Bereavement Support Programs and Volunteers
Chapter 10: Inpatient and Residential Settings
Chapter 11: Home and Community Visiting
Chapter 12: Young People in Palliative Care
Chapter 13: The Volunteer and Comfort Care
Chapter 14: About Dying

This resource is available here as a free download but we also have printed copies of the book for sale at cost price plus postage. Please contact us for pricing.

Palliare: A Handbook for Palliative Care Volunteers in NSW 2nd edition (2018)

File Size: 5.16 MB

PCNSW Guidance Manual for Palliative Care Volunteer Training

For trainers and presenters, the Guidance Manual for Palliative Care Volunteer Training, is based on the modules presented in the Palliare Handbook and provides a supportive framework to assist in the delivery of training. It provides guidance for trainers and presenters who will also be guided by their organisation’s requirements, their professional knowledge and the prior learning of the volunteers.

PCNSW Guidance Manual for Palliative Care Volunteer Training

File Size: 0.31 MB

Online video modules – About Palliative Care

About Palliative Care is an easy-access online learning tool, designed for use by volunteers, volunteer managers, and anyone else in the community who is interested in understanding more about palliative care. Each of the five videos can be used as standalone video sessions OR, can be used in companion with our printed and online training resources for palliative care volunteers.

About Palliative Care introduces you to:

– the philosophy of palliative care
– provision of standards by which care is delivered
– the role of volunteers
– concepts of health promoting palliative care

We recommend using the About Palliative Care videos as part of a comprehensive palliative care volunteer training package. The videos cover content found in Chapter One of the Palliare Handbook.

About Palliative Care is a project funded by Coordinare, South East NSW, through the Australian Government PHN program

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