
Mid-north coast turn out for Accidental Counsellor training.

  • by colin
  • October 24, 2019

It was a full workshop for the Accidental Counsellor workshop delivered on Tuesday October 24 at Coffs Harbour.

Mirna Tarrabay facilitated the group with a wealth of knowledge from her experience in training, psychology, psychotherapy and counselling.

The volunteers were provided with a practical mental health training workshop that teaches basic counselling skills and principles to those who are not trained counsellors, but often find themselves in a ‘counselling role by accident’ to support a friend, child, colleague, client or in times of meltdowns.

The group was fully engaged for the day long session and clearly enjoyed the practical exercises and try out of techniques.

Thanks to Kate Bowman for organising the workshop and we would like to acknowledge C.ex Coffs for generously supplying us with the venue via a Clubs NSW grant.

Pic: Mirna Tarabay with some of the participants at the workshop

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