Culturally Inclusive Volunteer Toolkit
- by Maria Lopez
- March 21, 2023
The culturally inclusive volunteer toolkit is being developed by Volunteer West.
Volunteer West is a volunteer resource centre in the Victoria region. Volunteer West’s focus is inclusive volunteering experiences that sustain personal well-being and build community resilience.
The toolkit has been developed as a guide for Volunteer Managers and Volunteer Involving Organisations (VIOs) to help them support multicultural volunteers.
The content was created with stories and lived experiences of those who are in or work closely with multicultural communities.
This project highlights the importance of volunteering in multicultural communities and identified the need to move away from traditional forms of volunteering (formal vs informal). They seek to reframe these as role based volunteering and fluid volunteering, and aim to elevate the concept of fluid volunteering through appreciative inquiry.
The toolkit has been structured to complement the National Standards for Volunteer Involvement by providing a specific focus on how volunteer involving organisations can work towards creating a more inclusive volunteering environment for multicultural volunteers.
The toolkit has 4 modules:
- Inclusive Cultural Practices,
- The Volunteer Experience,
- Best Practice & Governance, and
- Case Studies.
In each module you will find information that drive inclusive volunteering and tips to put the theory into practice; plus links to further information.
There are also links to helpful publications and guidelines.
You can choose to work through the modules one by one or navigate to a particular section that interests you. Take the time to explore the content at your own pace and determine how best to integrate the information into your volunteer management practices.
To access this fantastic resource, please click HERE.
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