
Click here to download: VolunteerHub and palliative care volunteers since 2014

  • by Maria Lopez
  • March 30, 2017

In the 2 years since we published our first resource on VolunteerHub we have recorded some 1800 downloads.

The most popular download has been the Sample Policy Manual for NGOs published in 2015 (545 downloads) with Palliare: A Handbook for Palliative Care Volunteers also published in 2015 (220 downloads) and our very first resource A Snapshot of Palliative Care Volunteering in NSW 2014 (177 downloads) also popular.

Our Palliative Care Volunteer Quiz series was published early in 2017 and has so far attracted 160 downloads.

Our research reports have also attracted some 200 downloads across: Paediatric hospice volunteering; the views of Service Development Officers of volunteers; the experience of other non-palliative care volunteers working with people at or near end of life; the life and death of a palliative care volunteer service in the bush; our reviews of volunteer-led community Hospice; and aged care, palliative care and volunteering.

Since 2014 the Volunteer Support Services Programme has studied, reported on, blogged about and developed resources to address the experiences and challenges of the 1600 or so palliative care volunteers in NSW on VolunteerHub and our followers include people in the UK, USA, Canada, Germany, Denmark, Netherlands, South Africa, Qatar, Jordan, Malaysia, Indonesia, China and Australia.

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