Volunteers offer psycho-social support, companionship, and carer respite that enhances the quality of life for adults and children facing life-limiting illnesses and their families. heir help can support individuals to receive care and remain at home, if desired.
The following video made by Palliative Care Victoria highlights the importance and impact of palliative care volunteers. They talk about what motivated them to volunteer in the sector, what inspires them to continue, what personal traits most complement the role, and what they find most rewarding.
As Glenn, volunteer at Mercy Palliative Care in Victoria says, “…when you are sitting with someone that is actively dying, they teach you how to actively live.”
Due to the growing demand for palliative care, there is a need for more volunteers. Visit https://volunteerhub.com.au/volunteers/get-involved/ for more information about getting involved as a palliative care volunteer in NSW.