
PCV Volunteers Conference

  • by Kate Bowman
  • March 24, 2022

Palliative Care Victoria are hosting their Volunteers Conference in Melbourne on May 18.

They have generously made registrations free for volunteers who live outside Victoria.

The conference theme – one step – one word – one heart – recognises that volunteering has changed during the pandemic but also new opportunities have emerged. We can adapt to the new environment one step at a time and with kindness which will enable us to return to our roles we so love to support people with a life-limiting illness and their families to live, die and grieve well.

Our society continues to become more diverse and by embracing diversity, positive ways to benefit our communities will emerge. Volunteers play an important and valuable role in this.

The conference provides an excellent opportunity for Volunteers and Leaders of Volunteers from a range of organisations including palliative care, health care, aged care, chronic illness, ethnic communities and LGBTIQ+ community to share experiences, learn from diverse and innovative approaches, and explore what volunteers can do for their self-care and wellbeing.

Conference details

Wednesday 18 May 2022, 9:30am – 4:00pm
Rendezvous Hotel, 328 Flinders Street, Melbourne


  • Grief and Loss
  • Diverse communities
  • New volunteer programs/roles
  • Dementia
  • Self-care and wellbeing


You can register by clicking here

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