NGO Grant applications open
- by Kate Bowman
- February 12, 2024
The End of Life and Palliative Care NGO Grants Program is now open. NSW Health is offering a total of up to $4 million in funding is available over four years with multiple grants of between $320,000 up to $800,000 available.
Program objective
This Program aims to complement NSW Health palliative and end of life care services by supporting community initiatives to engage with death and dying. Projects or activities should address one or more of the following key objectives:
• Increase death and grief literacy in the community.
• Promote knowledge and implementation of Advanced Care Planning.
• Provide increased support for bereavement, grief and loss for families and carers.
Types of projects funded under this grant program
The Ministry is seeking to engage organisations with suitable experience, capability and skills to deliver culturally safe and trauma-informed palliative and end-of-life information, education and/or activities.
The NGO Grants seek to fund a diverse range of projects that meet the program objectives, along with the objectives of NSW Health. This includes:
- Strengthening capacity and capability of the NGO sector to increase community ability to engage with death and dying.
- Funding grants that align with NSW Health policy objectives, whilst enhancing community support in palliative care and end of life.
- A diverse range of activities with broad reach and impact across NSW, including rural and regional areas.
- Programs providing enhanced support for a variety of priority populations identified within the NSW End of Life and Palliative Care Framework 2019 – 2024.
- Culturally safe palliative and end of life care supports including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities.
- Supporting new and improved collaboration and partnerships in palliative and end of life care between communities, services, programs and organisations.
- Strategies promoting sustainability beyond the funding period.
Application closes 18 March 2024.
For all the information please click here to go to the End of Life and Palliative Care NGO Grants Program website.
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