
New recruits learn the ropes in Southern NSW

  • by Kate Bowman
  • February 26, 2020

A brand new palliative care volunteer service is getting ready to open down in the Snowy-Monaro region.

This week a group of new volunteers have been undergoing their two-day training in preparation for the service opening in a few weeks time. They bring with them a wealth of knowledge to channel into their new role, many having lived experience of nursing, social work and aged care.

The new Snowy Monaro Palliative Care Volunteering Service is being coordinated by Sandra Wassink who expects operations to begin in just a few weeks time on March 16.

“I am so pleased to be able to offer this new palliative care volunteer service to the residents of Cooma,” Sandra said. “This group of volunteers have been selected because I feel they will be especially suited to this role.”

“I am passionate about making sure people have better end of life experiences and offering a client the support of a volunteer can make a real difference, especially for the more isolated members of our community,” she said.

Palliative Care NSW have been working closely with the Snowy Monaro Community Support Service and clinicians from the Southern NSW Local Health District over the last year to bring their vision of this new volunteer service to life. The project has been kindly funded by Coordinare.

Photo (Left to right):

Back row – Kate Bowman PCNSW, and volunteers Paulina and Alison;

Front row – Tanya, Fiona Sivyer PCNSW, Ruth, Claudette, and Sandra Wassink Volunteer Coordinator.

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