
Interested in starting a biography service?

  • by Kate Bowman
  • March 13, 2024

Palliative Care NSW and Eastern Palliative Care (EPC) in Victoria are excited to offer one lucky Palliative Care NSW member a scholarship for training on how to develop and run a palliative care volunteer biography service.

EPC has the largest volunteer based biography service in the nation and is responsible for having trained numerous other organisations across Australia and overseas. Their gold level ‘train the trainer’ training package is normally valued at $1950 per person making this scholarship a very special opportunity.

If you are thinking about starting a palliative care biography program at your service, this ‘train the trainer’ course will provide you with all the education you need to succeed. You will learn how to establish and maintain a program, how to recruit, mentor, and retain your volunteers, and how to create biographies.

This scholarship will cover:

  • Weekly Zoom sessions to receive support and guidance
  • Create a biography and receive individual mentoring support
  • Gain access to EPC polices and process maps
  • Get access to electronic training notes (over 200 pages)
  • Learn how to establish your program
  • Learn how to recruit, mentor and retain your volunteers

This training is available via Zoom
9:30am – 11:30am
April 24, May 1,8,15 and 29
You MUST be available on these dates and times to apply.

Only one scholarship position is available. Ideally, we would like to see it go to a person who has real capacity to initiate a volunteer biography program at their service, or to a new volunteer manager in a service with an existing program. The application form is the first part of the screening process. Applicants will also receive a phone call to discuss their application.

This scholarship is only available to current members of PCNSW. Please fill in the application form below and email it to Kate here.

Not a member yet? Click here to become a member and then apply for this fantastic opportunity!

EPC biography trainer application form

Applications close Wednesday 27 March

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