
Dungog rodeo donates to volunteer service

  • by Kate Bowman
  • September 2, 2024

The Dungog Shire Palliative Care Volunteers have been the grateful recipients of a $10 000 donation thanks to Dungog Rodeo.

Local rodeo hero Thomas Hudson drew record breaking crowds in over Easter as he competed in and won the Memorial Open Bull Ride Buckle.

Bill Rumbel, President of the Dungog Rodeo Committee, says that every year they put the proceeds of the rodeo right back into their community. This year they raised over $40 000 in total to spread between various local organisations.

President of Dungog Shire Palliative Care Volunteers, Margaret Jones, plans to use this injection of funds to purchase more oxygen converters for their service which will be a huge boon to their clients that need this support.

“It changes their life completely because they are no longer restricted to being in a hospital where they are on oxygen constantly. They can be at home, they can live, they can go out and go shopping, go out to dinner, whatever they want,” she said.

“They will have a huge impact on our service because we now have a back up one as well.”

The service has the support of their community with the Dungog Pony Club also giving a $1000.00 donation. 

“All this support enables our service to continue to provide free transport to treatments, equipment, linen service, and respite to any in our shire with life limiting illnesses.”


Main photo: (L-R) Annette O’Neill, Lyn Moseley, Margaret Jones, David Hudson, Bill Rumbel, John Copus, and Jenny Cox.


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