
2023 NSW Volunteer of the Year Awards

  • by Maria Lopez
  • March 30, 2023

The Centre for Volunteering is currently accepting nominations for people and teams for judging and recognition.

In many communities, the word volunteering is not always recognised. Often acts of giving, sharing and helping out are imbedded and part of cultural practices. These, however, are all forms of volunteering.


Volunteering can be defined as

“time willingly given for the common good and without financial gain”

– Volunteering Australia, 2015.


If you give your time, share your skills or help out in your community, you are a volunteer.

To nominate a volunteer, please know that the nomination form allows for two types of recognition for the volunteers of NSW:

  • Nomination for recognition only

This is the simplest way to acknowledge volunteers. These nominees will not be judged, however, they will be invited to their regional ceremony where they will be presented with an identical certificate to nominees eligible for judging. This nomination requires you to complete four parts only.

  • Nomination for judging

These nominees will be judged for the NSW Volunteer of the Year Award in the appropriate category. This nomination requires you to complete six parts (parts 1 to 6), all of which must be completed to be accepted by the judging committee.

Award categories

  1. Young Volunteer: 24 years and under.
  2. Adult Volunteer: 25 to 64 years.
  3. Senior Volunteer: 65 years and over.
  4. Volunteer Team: Two individuals or over.
  5. Club Volunteer: An individual or team working in a registered ClubsNSW club or on its board whilst carrying out volunteer activities.
  6. Employee Volunteer: Individual or team volunteering as part of their organisation’s formal employee/corporate volunteering program.
  7. Volunteer Leader: Nominees can be a designated volunteer manager, a team of volunteer managers or a registered not-for-profit organisation (please note that nominations within this category can be submitted for either teams or individuals, your nominee must operate within the guidelines of the Statement of Principles for Recognition of Volunteers and the National Standards for Volunteer Involvement and the organisation must hold current Volunteer Workers Personal Accident Insurance and Public Liability Insurance, and have operated within the NSW community during the past 12 months).
  8. Not-for-Profit Voluntary Governance Award: An unpaid board of directors or individual board member, who exemplifies excellence in governance.

Nominations close 5pm, Friday 16 June 2023.

For more information and to nominate a volunteer please click HERE.


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